Undergraduate Scholarships

Applications for 2025 will be open February 1st - May 1st.

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Each academic year, The Chi Psi Educational Trust offers a number of undergraduate scholarships to help Brothers in their pursuit of excellence. Below is a listing of all scholarships offered by the Trust.

General Scholarship and Fellowship Fund

The Chi Psi Educational Trust maintains a general scholarship and fellowship fund. The selection committee grants awards from this fund to deserving applicants in honor of all who have contributed to help build the endowment over the years, especially Richard T. McLean, ΘΔ ’56, Russ M. Johnson, Γ '70, Coleman Burke, Φ '34, Edmund W. Littlefield, ΓΔ '36, and James J. Hagen, ΘΔ '63.

The Tom Brown Memorial Scholarship

After receiving a bequest from the estate of Thomas H. Brown, E '66, The Chi Psi Educational Trust established the Tom Brown Memorial Scholarship in 2012. The Tom Brown Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate Brother who exhibits a strong entrepreneurial spirit and achievement.

Note: Any undergraduate applying for the Brown Scholarship must also provide a Brown Scholarship Addendum. The addendum can outline an entrepreneurial spirit, a desired business endeavor, or what the Brown Scholarship could potentially support financially. 2 page maximum.

The James S. Campbell Scholarship

The James S. Campbell Scholarship was created in 2003 in honor of James S. Campbell, Ι '48. This scholarship is awarded primarily on academic performance, leadership within Chi Psi, and enrollment within a business program at the applicant's academic institution.

David R. Dunlop Scholarship

The David R. Dunlop Scholarship was created in 2013 through a gift from Brother and Mrs. Henry E. Bartels, P '45, Ψ '48, to honor Dave Dunlop, Ψ '59, a stalwart Fraternity volunteer and the dean of America’s university advancement officers.

C. Ray Flynn Scholarship

The C. Ray Flynn, B '67, Scholarship was created in 2014 to honor the legacy of Stanley J. Birge, X 1908, I 1914. This award recognizes a rising senior who exemplifies the traditions of Chi Psi Fraternity as practiced by the distinguished member of Chi Psi, Stanley Birge. Such traditions shall include scholastic standing and contributions to Chi Psi Fraternity and to the recipient’s university. Financial need is not a criterion for choosing the recipient. Birge, a former National President (#7) from 1958-1961 and Chairman of the Executive Council, received the Distinguished Service Award and the Albert S. Bard Award from the Fraternity.

The Harold G. "Bones" Lundberg Scholarship

The Harold G. "Bones" Lundberg Fund for Education was created in 2000 through a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Bartels, P '45, Ψ '48 in memory of Harold G. "Bones" Lundberg, P '24. Scholarships are provided on the basis of academic achievement, campus and community involvement, and commitment to serving the community in which the university or college is located. Brothers with experience assisting underprivileged children are especially encouraged to apply.

The Peter Paul Miller Educational Travel Grant

In 2000, Brothers Peter P. Miller, Jr., Ψ '44, Richard S. Miller, Ψ '56, and their sister, Elizabeth M. Francis, created the Peter Paul Miller Scholarship to honor their father, Peter Paul Miller, Ψ 1918. In 2011, the family chose to repurpose the scholarship as the Peter Paul Miller Educational Travel Grant. Eligible participants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program and must meet the general scholarship or fellowship requirements held by The Chi Psi Educational Trust, Inc. Recipients may be asked to prepare an article detailing their experiences for The Purple and Gold.

Note: Any undergraduate applying for the Miller Travel Grant must also submit a Miller Travel Grant Addendum outlining an experience they want the Grant to support. The Miller Travel Grant is available for both packaged study abroad programs and those more freeform and unique educational experiences developed by the participant. 2 page maximum.

The George W. Ray Scholarship

The George W. Ray Scholarship was created in 1996 by Mrs. Margaret N. Ray in memory of her husband George W. Ray, Α '30, Ρ '31. The scholarship is awarded primarily on academic performance, personal integrity, leadership in Chi Psi, and loyalty to the Fraternity.

The Ann and Peter Schenck Scholarship

The Schenck Scholarship is awarded in honor of Peter Schenck, EΔ '59, to a Brother who, through the selfless dedication of time and effort, has contributed to the overall success of his Alpha.

Note: Any undergraduate applying for the Schenck Scholarship must also submit a Schenck Scholarship Addendum. Schenck Scholar applications include a letter of recommendation from a Brother able to demonstrate the ways in which the applicant has contributed to his Alpha above and beyond the manner expected (2-page maximum).

The Sargent H. Wellman Scholarship

The Wellman Scholarship was created in 1991 by Howard Wellman, Χ '46, in memory of his father Sargent H. Wellman, Χ '12. The scholarship is awarded primarily on academic performance and Fraternity involvement.

The Clifford H. Williams Scholarship

The Clifford H. Williams Scholarship was created in 1961 to honor Clifford H. Williams, Θ 1902. Br. Williams was the Chairman of The Chi Psi Educational Trust from its inception in 1926 until his death in 1961. The scholarship is awarded primarily on academic performance.

The David G. Stern Scholarship

The David G. Stern Scholarship was created through an anonymous gift in 2016 to honor the memory of David G. Stern, E '00, who died in 2012. Br. Stern eschewed the dictates of selfishness and exemplified a cherished bond of union. This scholarship is awarded based on academic performance, need, and devotion to refined friendship.

The Ahlberg Family Honorarium

The Ahlberg Family Honorarium was established by former National President (#7) Dr. Dan Ahlberg, N '67, and his family. The Honorarium recognizes Alphas’ current or former Treasurers (#4s) for their sound financial stewardship.

Scholarships only offered to Brothers of a designated Alpha:

The Douglas C. Johnston Scholarship

The Douglas C. Johnston Scholarship Fund was established in 2011 through a gift from the Chi Psi Association of Hamilton College to benefit Alpha Phi undergraduates annually. The Scholarship honors Doug Johnston, Φ '78, who served as Alpha Phi's alumni corporation president prior to his untimely death in 2006.

The Julianne and Richard McLean Scholarship

The Julianne and Richard McLean Scholarship was established in 2024 through a gift commitment from Julianne McLean. The scholarship honors Julianne’s late husband, former Executive Council Chairman Richard T. ‘Dick’ McLean, θΔ '56. Dick was a long-time volunteer at Theta Delta, and this scholarship will reward Theta Delta undergraduates.