Undergraduate Interest Form (Pathways to Excellence: Mentorship) First Name(Required) Last Name(Required) Preferred Name/Nickname(Required) Alpha(Required)Alpha DeltaBetaBeta DeltaChi DeltaEpsilonEpsilon TauEta DeltaGammaIotaIota DeltaKappa DeltaMu DeltaNuNu TauOmega DeltaOmicronOmicron DeltaPhiPhi DeltaPiPi DeltaPi TauPsiPsi DeltaRhoRho DeltaSigmaSigma DeltaTau DeltaTheta DeltaUpsilon DeltaXiXi DeltaZeta DeltaGrad Year(Required) Where do you live now, when not at school? If graduating soon, where do you plan to be living?(Required) Have you been matched with a Chi Psi mentor before?(Required) Yes No What do you prefer in a mentor?(Required) I prefer a mentor from my Alpha I prefer a mentor who lives in my region No preference HiddenEmail(Required) Email(Required) Phone Number(Required) Current Major(s)(Required) Describe where you are in your professional development process(Required)(I am familiar with the industry I want to enter after graduation, I have no familiarity with the industry, etc.)What do you hope to gain from your mentoring experience?(Required)(General discussion, mental health support, professional guidance, interview practice, job opportunities, etc.)If there are any personal considerations you want involved in the mentor-mentee matching process, please note them here.This answer will remain confidential to the Central Office.Rate your confidence in the following area: LinkedIn/Networking(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 1 = not confident / 5 = very confidentRate your confidence in the following area: Resume building(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 1 = not confident / 5 = very confidentRate your confidence in the following area: Interview skills(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 1 = not confident / 5 = very confidentRate your confidence in the following area: Internship or job search(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 1 = not confident / 5 = very confidentRate your confidence in the following area: Post-grad job opportunities(Required) 1 2 3 4 5 1 = not confident / 5 = very confident