Chi Psi Member Media
Enjoy Chi Psi-related or Chi Psi-authored media during (and after) the pandemic. Have a suggestion for this page? Send it to
Our Better Angels
by Habitat for Humanity CEO Jonathan Reckford, Σ '84
The World Only They Could See
by Matthew Newman, ΣΔ '18
The Cosmic Tales of Dragging Feet
by Cody Saben, ΘΔ '14
Band of Brothers
by Stephen E. Ambrose, I '57
In Dante's Footsteps: My Journey to Hell
by Charles Patterson, X '58
No Man's Land
by Kevin Sullivan, ΨΔ '77
Stay Positive
by Jon Gordon, Ψ '93
America in the King Years (Trilogy)
by Taylor Branch, Σ '68
Things of This World
Pulitzer Prize-winning poetry collection by Richard Wilbur, X '42
Friends Like These (trilogy)
James Irving, O '76
A Hanging Offense: The Strange Affair of the Warship Somers
by Buckner F. Melton, Jr.
Bri the Sports Guy
by Mike Mountan, EΔ '85
The Chi Psi Book Club
by Jackson Sharman, OΔ '22
Greek Life Today
by Jon Moore, PΔ '09
Midnight Conversations
by Lee Hawkins, I '93
Things Change
by American Aquarium (lead singer: BJ Barham, ΠΔ '06)
Oak City String Band
featuring Bruce Thompson, YΔ '88
by Kevin Nichols, B '11
by Ben Leit, Φ '22
Boy Named Banjo
featuring Ford Garrard, Σ '16
East Lex
All band members are from Omicron Delta (Washington and Lee)
Danner Butler, OΔ '21; Chase Robinett, '21; Rob Lahourcade, '21; Sam Nichols, '21; Will Morris, '23; William Heidtman, '23
Other Media:
Carnauba: A Son's Memoir
Documentary by S.C. Johnson, Jr., Ψ '50, and featuring Fisk Johnson III, Ψ '79
The Office
TV series featuring Paul Lieberstein, Φ '95, as "Toby Flenderson"
Leave it to Beaver
TV series starring Jerry Mathers, ΔΔ '72, as "Beaver"
In Plain Sight
TV series starring Frederick Weller, Σ '88, as "Marshall Mann"
Green Acres
TV series starring Eddie Albert, N '31, as "Oliver Wendell Douglas"
A Time to Love and a Time to Die
Film starring John Gavin, ΓΔ '52, as "Ernst Graeber"
Adventure Not War
An award-winning short film by Stacy Bare, Γ '00 (also helped create short documentary called Silk Ride)
Actually Curious
A card game from Michael Tennant, Φ '04
Upright Citizen's Brigade (UCB), PEOPLE'S IMPROV THEATER (PIT), Saturday Night Live (SNL), and The Second City
Ali Farahnakian, Σ '90, is a co-founder, creator, former writer, and veteran performer of these comedy programs, respectively