Dedicated Funds Week is Chi Psi's newest fundraising initiative, designed to put the spotlight on Alpha Dedicated Funds (DFs). DFs allow your gift to The Chi Psi Educational Trust to be restricted for the educational benefit of your Alpha (or the Alpha of your choice). Every single Alpha (dormant or active) has a DF within the Trust!
For DF Week (Apr. 18-22, 2022), there will be a competition between Alphas to see which can bring in the highest percentage of donors! Any gift of $17 or more during DF Week will count. The winning Alpha will receive $5,000 to their DF, with the runner-up and third-place Alphas receiving $3,000 and $1,000, respectively. An extra 17% match from the TDS Fund will go to the highest amount given to a DF during the week.
To give to a DF, click HERE and select the fund you want to support under "Designation." To learn more about Alpha Dedicated Funds, visit our webpage with FAQ here. If you have any questions, contact