Alpha Dedicated Funds

Group of Fraternity Brothers

Did you know that through Chi Psi's newly introduced Dedicated Funds, your gift to The Chi Psi Educational Trust can be restricted for the educational benefit of your Alpha or the Alpha of your choice?

EVERY Alpha (dormant or active) has a Dedicated Fund within the Educational Trust, and many are already taking advantage of the opportunity!

Simply click 'Make a Gift' on (in the top righthand corner of any page) and select the fund you wish to support under 'Designation'. It's that easy!

Reasons to give to a Dedicated Fund:

  1. Your contribution supports the Alpha of your choice for their educational benefit.
  2. Local alumni leaders from each Alpha determine how funds are used.
  3. Your gift is tax-deductible.
  4. It's easy!

Ways to Give:

  1. Online! Just click HERE and select your Alpha's Dedicated Fund in the dropdown menu under 'Designation'!
  2. Stock transfer.*
  3. Wire transfer.*
  4. Planned or Estate Gift.*
  5. By check mailed to:

The Chi Psi Educational Trust, Inc.
45 Rutledge St.
Nashville, TN 37210

*please contact for more information.

FAQ: Dedicated Funds of The Chi Psi Educational Trust

What are they?

Dedicated Funds (DF) are donor restricted funds given to provide educational support to specific Alphas. These funds can only be used for the benefit of an Alpha at the request of its alumni entity and for an approved educational use.

What in ‘an approved educational use?’

The I.R.S. requires 501(c)3 public charities to use funds in accordance with the approved purpose and mission of the organization. Gifts to the Trust (and DFs) are 100% tax-deductible for donors, and the Trust must be good stewards of those gifts by only using them for educational purposes (the Trust’s mission). Specific uses will vary across Alphas, but there are many possibilities including specific percentages of Lodge expenses based on studies the Trust is helping to fund. The Central Office will work with alumni leaders from each Alpha to explore the possible ways these funds can provide an educational benefit to Alphas.

How can my Alpha request funds from its DF?

The Trust and Central Office will provide an online application at

Are there fees?

Each DF will be assessed an annual fee of 0.5% of the June 30 balance of the fund.

What happens if an Alpha goes into Dormancy?

DFs for Active Alphas never close. Seventeen years past an Alpha moving into Dormancy the funds in its DF may become unrestricted at the discretion of the Trustees.

Other Questions?

Call or email Chief Advancement Officer Sam Bessey at 615-405-7623 or You can also contact Director of Advancement Steve Habat at 803-622-2489 or