The Chi Psi Educational Trust

Establishment of The Chi Psi Educational Trust in 1926 was one of our Fraternity's important "firsts" and one of which all Chi Psis have been proud. The Chi Psi Educational Trust is the first educational foundation in the fraternity world, with its formal incorporation in 1926 (although the endowment fund was actually started a dozen years earlier). Its purpose is to provide Brothers with leadership enhancement and personal development as well as reward scholarship and foster positive relationships with Chi Psi Fraternity.

The Trust works to develop, fund, and implement leadership and service programs, making them available to all undergraduates. This programming is known collectively as the Program for Excellence. In addition to these Fraternity educational programs, the Trust also provides scholarships and fellowships to undergraduate and graduate students, respectively. Additionally, the Trust gives out a number of awards in recognition of generous philanthropy and service to the community as well as the Fraternity. See the current Trustees below.

Weinand, Skyler 2

Skyler R. Weinand, N '02, ΞΔ '23

Chair - Dallas, Texas

Hew Crooks

Hew D. Crooks, X '90

Fairfield, Connecticut
Emerson, Julian 2

Julian B. Emerson, B '80

Vice-Chair - Florence, South Carolina

James Haltom Headshot

James A. Haltom, Σ '03

Nashville, Tennessee
Burns, Richard

Richard R. Burns, E '68

Cave Creek, Arizona

AJ Spring

Arthur J. "A.J." Spring, YΔ '09

Treasurer - Charlotte, North Carolina

O'Boyle, Chuck

Charles V. O'Boyle, Jr., X '86

Providence, Rhode Island

Advisor: Philip A. Gillingham, ΘΔ '00, MΔ '10 (London, UK)

The Chi Psi Educational Trust, Inc.
EIN: 03-0386312