Michael R. Gustafson II, ΣΔ '93, Executive Council Member
Michael lives in Durham, NC, and is an Associate Professor of the Practice of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. He also holds a secondary appointment with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. He is responsible for the first-year Computational Methods in Engineering (EGR 103L) course required for Duke Engineering students and has also taught nearly 20 other courses totaling 100 course offerings and over 6,000 students. He previously served as a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy as a Naval Reservist in the Civil Engineer Corps.
In Spring of 2012, Michael was initiated by the Chi Psi Brothers of Alpha Sigma Delta and has served as both faculty advisor and alumni advisor for the Alpha since that time; he is also on the Alumni Advisory Board of Alpha Phi Delta at the University of Kentucky. He very much enjoys working with Alphas collectively and Brothers individually at Convention, Rowe Leadership Conferences, the Mid-Year Leadership Retreat, Self-Assessments, and Alpha Management Retreats.