184th Convention: Alumni Accreditation
In order to be recognized for the purpose of voting at the 184th Convention Business Session, alumni entities must submit materials to the Central Office to verify that they are an active alumni entity in good standing with both Chi Psi Fraternity and the state in which they reside. As a reminder, only one alumni entity per Alpha may be accredited at the Business Session. Please confirm which entity will be recognized at Convention prior to filling out either form.
Please also note that this year, if you are a Corporation that is not accredited in your state, you will fill out the Advisory Board submission form instead. The fee for alumni accreditation is $275. You may complete that payment via ACH/Debit/Credit here: Alumni Accreditation. You may also send a check to the Chi Psi Central Office: 45 Rutledge Street, Nashville TN 37210. Please note that checks should be made to Chi Psi Fraternity and must be received by Friday, July 18, 2025.
If any Regional Associations/Alumni Clubs wish to seek accreditation at the 184th Convention Business Session, please contact Andrew Vail at avail@chipsi.org for accreditation information. You may also contact him for general accreditation questions.
To register, complete whichever form below applies to your alumni entity:
184th Alumni Accreditation--Corporation
184th Alumni Accreditation forms for Alumni Corporations
184th Alumni Accreditation--AAB
184th Alumni Accreditation form for Alumni Advisory Board entities.